Oleic acid is a monounsaturated fatty acid naturally found in the fats and oils of animals and plants. It is naturally odorless and colorless, although commercial products made from it may be slightly yellow. Human cells require oleic to ensure proper membrane fluidity, ensuring that cell membranes have sufficiently thick layers. This is very important for resisting pathogens, transporting minerals, and responding to hormones. Oleic acid is also a primary energy source for our cells, used in the production and biosynthesis of many important metabolic products. Do you know the use of oleic acid?This article will give you a detailed introduction.
One of the most well-known benefits of olive oil is its ability to enhance cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure. Studies show that the blood pressure-lowering effect of olive oil is due to its high oleic acid content. Researchers note that the consumption of oleic acid regulates the structure of membrane lipids, thereby controlling protein-mediated signaling and leading to blood pressure regulation. Therefore, the high oleic acid content is the reason why consuming olive oil lowers blood pressure.
If you want to add cholesterol-lowering foods to your diet, include nuts and oils high in oleic acid. Scientists have found that a diet rich in oleic has an equivalent cholesterol-lowering effect compared to other types of high-fat diets, while also maintaining cholesterol levels and reducing triglycerides. Therefore, diets high in monounsaturated fatty acids, especially those that increase the intake of olive oil, protect health and lower cholesterol.
Eating healthy fats is key to losing weight and staying healthy. On the one hand, fats like oleic acid help control excess insulin, which is important for weight loss. Additionally, adding healthy fats to your diet helps reduce hunger, cravings, and binge eating because they make you feel full and keep you feeling full for a longer time.
If you have prediabetes symptoms or have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, adding more oleic acid to your diet may help. Unlike saturated fat palmitic acid, monounsaturated fat oleic acid has beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity and type 2 diabetes. This is due to its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to prevent the insulin signaling pathway. This means that using oleic acid products can help regulate the amount of insulin released, thereby promoting the absorption of glucose in the blood.
Did you know that oleic acid and other free fatty acids can help boost your immune system and fight infections? Animal and laboratory studies have shown that they have antibacterial properties and natural protective effects. An animal study conducted in Brazil found that consuming oleic acid has beneficial effects in sepsis, a life-threatening infection that spreads in the blood. When researchers examined the effects of oleic acid supplementation in septic mice, they found it improved clinical symptoms, increased survival rates, prevented liver and kidney damage, and reduced plasma non-esterified fatty acids, which are increased in severe systemic inflammatory responses.